过去十年里,全球对于打击人口贩运,特别是以从事色情行业为目的贩运人口的注意力和资源分配增加。关于诸多正在推广的反贩运的政策和方案对贩运活动的受害者是否是有效地应对措施,以及这些措施对对性工作者带来的有意和无意的后果的讨论依然继续。依靠对贩卖罪化得反贩运模式到底是如何影响性工作者被贩卖,她们的权利和健康的? 2008年12月,性健康和权利项目(夏普)与合作伙伴举行两次会议,以探讨这些问题
第一次会议是由性健康和权利项目和美国大学人权和人道主义法中心贩卖人口和强迫劳动项目的Ann Jordan组织,并汇集了十几个贩卖和性工作方面的专家与新任命联合国关于贩卖人口,特别是妇女和儿童特别报告员Joy Ezeilo进行
情况介绍之后,SHARP与创建资源赋予行动(CREA)Creating Resources for Empowerment in Action (CREA)和性工作项目网络( NSWP )Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) t合作组织一个由捐助者活动家关于性工作和贩卖的对话, 35个来自世界各地的捐助者,研究人员,打击贩运人口活动家,性工作者人权活动家,在关于如何在反贩运框架内支持性工作者的权利议题上交换意见、提出具体想法。会议的总结见Sexuality Policy Watch newsletter. 。
The last decade has seen increased global attention and resources allocated to combating trafficking in persons, particularly into the sex sector. Debates continue on whether many of the anti-trafficking policies and programs being promoted are an effective response for trafficking victims, and the extent of the intended and unintended consequences of these measures on sex workers. Exactly how have anti-trafficking models that rely on the criminalization of prostitution impacted trafficking and the rights and health of sex workers? In December 2008, the Sexual Health and Rights Project (SHARP) collaborated with partners to hold two meetings exploring these issues.
The first meeting was hosted by SHARP and organized by Ann Jordan of the Program on Human Trafficking and Forced Labor at American University's Center on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and brought together a dozen experts on trafficking and sex work for a briefing with Joy Ezeilo, the newly appointed UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, especially women and children.
Discussions focused on the impact of legal and regulatory frameworks relevant to trafficking and sex work, and how the conflation of prostitution and trafficking affects non-prostitution related anti-trafficking work. Given the concerns about rights violations in some existing anti-trafficking approaches, one recommendation was further research on effective, rights-based anti-trafficking strategies.
Following this briefing, SHARP worked with Creating Resources for Empowerment in Action (CREA) and the Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) to organize a Donor-Activist Dialogue on Sex Work and Trafficking, which brought together 35 donors, researchers, anti-trafficking activists, and sex worker rights activists from around the world to exchange views and generate ideas on supporting sex worker rights within anti-trafficking frameworks. A summary of these meetings is available in the Sexuality Policy Watch newsletter.
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