2009年4月23日曼谷,泰国 常坤翻译
俄罗斯政府拒绝美沙酮合法化和引进针头交换项目,这是俄罗斯政府继续和公然歪曲这已经过证实的研究——降低伤害可以遏制HIV的流行。国际艾滋病协会(International AIDS Society)执行主任Craig McClure 在今天的国际降低伤害联合会(International Harm Reduction Association)年度会议上说。他的评论被作为大会闭幕词以"深思降低伤害的政策和全球应对HIV"为主题的一部分。
"在俄罗斯美沙酮依然是非法的,并且俄罗斯政府认为,没有证据显示它与预防或者降低HIV传染和注射阿片类药物有关系。" McClure说,"这种否认美沙酮作用是如此深刻,甚至敢公然歪曲在国际会议上的事实,比如在上个月维也纳召开的麻醉药委员会高级别会议(Commission on Narcotic Drugs)。"
"公然的和故意否则作用只能是基于根深蒂固的恐惧。恐惧推动了全球的毒品战争。恐惧推动了医生和其他医疗系统中有权使用毒品和所谓的继续'治疗'的人滥用毒品。这可能应该更准确的称之为'虐待',这是一种故意的拒绝事实和人权,还是拒绝希波克拉底誓言(Hippocratic Oath)"。
McClure 在他的主题演讲结束语中说,这是一个在降低伤害和反对毒品运动的间隔上至关重要的桥梁。
"我们不支持'赞成毒品',我们不是'鼓励使用毒品',我们必须保持为保持共同的基础和对话坚持一贯的立场和同情支持反毒品运动",McClure 总结说。
国际艾滋病协会(IAS)是由HIV方面世界重要的独立协会,在188个国家有13000成员工作在全球应对HIV/AIDS不同层面上。IAS成员有科学家,临床医生,公共卫生和在流行病前线的社区工作者。IAS是两年一次的世界艾滋病大会的管理者和IAS HIV发病机理、治疗和预防会议的组织者。
23rd April 2009
Russian Government's Profound Denial of the Evidence on Harm Reduction Fuelling HIV Epidemic in Russia
Bangkok, Thailand
The Russian Government´s refusal to legalise methadone and introduce needle exchange programmes, and it's continued and blatant misrepresentation of proven research on harm reduction is allowing an HIV epidemic in the country to go unchecked, Craig McClure, Executive Director of the International AIDS Society told the International Harm Reduction Association annual conference today. McClure's remarks were made as part of his closing keynote address at the conference entitled "Reflections on the Politics of Harm Reduction and the Global Response to HIV."
"In Russia methadone remains illegal, and the Russian government maintains that there is no evidence that it works to prevent HIV infection or reduce the harms associated with injecting opioids," said McClure. "This denial of evidence is so profound that the government even dares to blatantly distort the facts at international meetings, such as at the high level meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna last month."
Across the Eastern European and Central Asia region, some 1.5 million people are living with HIV of whom 940,000 are in Russia. The region is home to the world's most rapidly expanding HIV/AIDS epidemic. Over 3.7 million people inject drugs, with over two million people injecting in Russia alone, the highest per capita in the world, with four times the overall global prevalence of injecting drug use. Close to 70 per cent of all HIV infections in Russia are due to injecting drug use, versus 30 per cent globally outside of sub-Saharan Africa. (1)
The International AIDS Society has made the issue of access to methadone in Russia and throughout Eastern Europe and Central Asia a policy priority. (2)
Decades of research show that opioid substitution therapy is the most effective intervention to reduce injecting and prevent HV infection among people dependent on opioids, particularly if delivered as part of a comprehensive package of harm reduction interventions including education and counselling, needle and syringe exchange programmes, provision of condoms, HIV diagnosis and treatment and TB and STI diagnosis and treatment.
"Blatant and wilful denial of the evidence can only be based on deep-seated fear. Fear drives the global war on drugs. Fear drives abuse by doctors and others in the medical system of people who use drugs and the continuing use of so-called "treatments", that might more accurately be called "torture", that are a deliberate denial not just of the evidence and of human rights but of the Hippocratic Oath."
McClure ended his keynote address by saying that is was crucial to bridge the gap between the harm reduction and anti-drugs movements.
"We are not "pro-drug", we are not "encouraging drug use" and we must reach out consistently and with compassion to the anti-drug movement for common ground and dialogue," concluded McClure.
The International AIDS Society (IAS) is the world's leading independent association of HIV professionals, with over 13,000 members in 188 countries working at all levels of the global response to HIV/AIDS. IAS members represent scientists, clinicians, public health and community practitioners on the frontlines of the epidemic. The IAS is the custodian of the biennial International AIDS Conference and the host of the IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention.
Click here for the full press release and contact details in English [PDF:97KB]
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