“现在是时候重新考虑惩罚性的毒品政策,并代之为一个以人权为基本的方法,以确保特别是保护最易受伤害的群体,”联合国酷刑特别报告员Manfred Nowak说。
“严格的药物控制政策严重限制了有权使用药物的,包括艾滋病病毒携带者/艾滋病病人、癌症患者和其他各种各样的健康状况下的患者保守治疗和减轻一些不必要的痛苦,。”Nowak 补充说。
21st April 2009 |
Bangkok, Thailand |
The punitive approach to drug policies ("war on drugs"), which has underpinned international drug policies for the last decades, is having a major impact on the human rights of both the producers and consumers of drugs and need to be rethought, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture told the Harm Reduction 2009 conference today. “It is high time to rethink the punitive approach to drug policies and to replace it with a human rights based approach which ensures inter alia the protection of the most vulnerable groups,” said Manfred Nowak, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. In many countries, drug consumers are subjected to severe penalties including the death penalty, torture and ill-treatment by the police and to particularly harsh prison conditions. “Strict drug control policies seriously limit access to palliative care and pain relief resulting in unnecessary suffering for people living with HIV/Aids, cancer and various other conditions,” added Nowak. |
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