From: Carol Wang <>
Date: Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 12:53 PM
Subject: [News] China Shuts Sexual Health Websites to Ordinary Users
To: Meg Davis <>, Gisa Hartmann
<>, Peiting Li <>
In an effort to curb poronography and other illicit web content with
the Green Dam filter, the Chinese government has come up against
battles with WTO regulations, Google, and increasingly angry netizens.
Now the Ministry of Health (MOH) is cracking down on sex-health web
content. From Reuters:
Ordinary web users in China will be banned from surfing
sex-related medical and research websites from next month, amid an
Internet crackdown on pornographic online content, according to new
Medical information service providers must install software to
ensure only professionals can access sites that carry information and
research about sex, the regulations on the website of the Ministry of
Health ( said.
"It is prohibited to spread pornographic content in the name of
sex-related scientific research," the regulations said.
The rules do not specify exactly what is covered by "scientific
research" into sex.
Also from the Wall Street Journal:
Sex is a taboo subject in China, but rising incomes and increasing
freedom of choice for how people behave have created more interest in
sexual issues and reproductive education. Many experts say education
on the subject remains inadequate.
Pan Suiming, director of the Institute of Sexuality and Gender at
Renmin University in Beijing, says people should have the freedom to
find information about sex for themselves. The new policy on sex Web
sites "is mistaken," he says.
Liang Peiding, who runs a site that offers information on issues
such as sexual dysfunctions and medicine, says the health ministry
shouldn't have the jurisdiction to monitor online content. The
regulation "is not supported by the law and I think they are making a
mess of it," he said. "Currently in China, parents never talk about
sex with their kids, who instead gain sexual content through
pornographic films. ... We can use the Internet to guide them properly."
Under the new restrictions, sex-related sites must only use
testimony from specialists in the field. Violators of the rules can be
fined up to 30,000 yuan (about $4,400).
See also a New York Times story on the topic and Rebecca MacKinnon's
commentary. Follow the ongoing saga with CDT's Green Dam and Internet
Censorship tags.
More news on this topic, please click here.
* Posted by Jenny Leung
* June 25, 2009 12:14 PM
* Category: Environmental Crisis, Human Rights, Law, Politics,
Sci-Tech, Top Article
* Tags: Green Dam, Internet censorship, Internet control, sex bloggers
Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D. ("Meg")
Executive Director
Asia Catalyst
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