
【China AIDS:4175】 国际人权联盟2002年表彰中国艾滋病活动家万延海

Defending Defenders: League Honors Five Human Rights Activists On Defenders' Day at U.N.

United Nations, New York, December 9, 2002
United Nations, New York, December 9, 2002
On December 9, 2002, five human rights activists--from China, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Sierra Leone--were honored by the International League for Human Rights to mark Defenders’ Day, dedicated to those who put their principles and often their lives on the line to protect basic freedoms.

Four of the five were in New York to receive the awards at the United Nations on December 9. One of them, independent journalist Sergei Duvanov, was at the time jailed in Kazakhstan on charges of sexual assault against a minor. He denied the charges and maintained that he had been framed. The ILHR has expressed concern that Duvanov’s arrest might be yet another step in the government-sanctioned campaign against a free press in Kazakhstan. The journalist’s daughter, Dinissa, received the award on his behalf.

The other four award winners were Don Mullan, Irish journalist and author of Bloody Sunday recently made into a film, Eyewitness Bloody Sunday; Christiana Thorpe of Sierra Leone, founder of an education organization which empowers women and girls; Topchubek Turgunaliev, a campaigner for democracy in Kyrgyzstan; and Dr. Wan Yanhai, an HIV/AIDS activist recently detained by Chinese authorities who had accused him of disclosing state secrets about a tainted provincial blood supply.

In his greeting to the League at the awards ceremony, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan appealed to " governments, communities and individuals to recommit themselves to the universal application of the rule of law." The Secretary-General went on to say: " Let us ensure that we never take this precious legacy for granted. Let us nurture, develop, strengthen and defend it. I thank the men and women being honored here for their courageous contribution to that mission, and add the hope that many more will follow (their) example."
Dr. Wan Yanhai
Dr. Wan Yanhai, the most visible AIDS activist in China, is the founder and coordinator of the non-governmental Aids Action Project (AIZHI). He drew the ire of Chinese authorities for disclosing a confidential report about a scandal involving tainted blood at government-supported collection centers in Henan Province in central China. Hundreds of thousands of impoverished villagers selling their blood are believed to have been infected with HIV through faulty collection practices. He was arrested in August on charges of disclosing state secrets in connection with the blood supply report. Dr. Wan also has fought discrimination against infected people.


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